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Once you successfully complete the registration process, you can now access the AML Watcher report search API by using the /get-access-token endpoint. This endpoint requires your valid client credentials and will provide you with a token for authorization.

Protect Your Credentials
Your credentials are critical and carry many privileges. It is crucial to keep your personal and sensitive information secure. Avoid sharing your credentials in public repositories such as GitHub or in client-side code.

All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Requests made over plain HTTP or without proper authentication will fail.

Request Formatting

  • Ensure that all request bodies have the Content-Type: application/json header and are valid JSON.
  • To receive a JSON response, use the HTTP header Accept: application/json.

Base URL
Use the following BaseUrl for the production environment APIs:

By following these guidelines, you can securely and effectively integrate with the AML Watcher report search API, ensuring robust and compliant interactions.