📄️ Create Webhook
Creating a webhook allows you to receive immediate updates and alerts regarding changes in the status of important entities or events.
📄️ Get Webhooks
This endpoint allows you to retrieve a list of all the webhooks created within your AML Watcher account. This is a valuable feature that provides you with an overview of all active webhooks and their details.
📄️ Delete Webhook
Deleting a webhook allows you to remove a previously configured webhook from your system. This process ensures that you will no longer receive notifications or updates associated with that webhook. To delete a webhook, you'll need to send a DELETE request to the specified endpoint. The request should include the unique id of the webhook you wish to remove.
📄️ Send Test Webhook
Testing allows you to validate the connectivity between AML Watcher and your webhook endpoint. To test a webhook, you'll need to send a test request to the specified endpoint. This test request simulates an actual event, and you should receive a response that confirms the webhook's ability to receive and process the request.
📄️ Webhook Signature Validation
Once you generate the Webhook Secret Key from the Settings page of the AML Watcher App, every HTTP webhook response will include an X-Signature key in the headers.