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Ongoing AML

Our API offers real-time AML monitoring, analyzing transactions for suspicious activities. It integrates risk assessment, transaction screening, and alert generation for compliance and risk mitigation. Seamlessly scalable and flexible, it ensures regulatory compliance and guards against financial crime.


Method: POST

Sample Request
POST /api/monitor HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer Token
Content-Length: 75

"search_reference": "65058a4565bfe7295ad13f6f",
"is_monitor": 0


search_referenceYesStringThe reference to the search where user want to enable ongoing AML.
is_monitorYesIntegerIs monitor is used to specify whether user want to enable or disable ongoing monitoring for a specific search.
Note: The default value of is_monitor is 0.
Example: 1.


errorWhenever there is an error in your request, this param will have details of that error; otherwise it’ll remain empty.
statusThe status field is set to either “SUCCESS” or “FAIL”, indicating that the API request resulted in a successful or failure/error condition respectively.
dataAn object containing ongoing AML status of a search.
Sample Response
"data": {
"message": "Monitoring enabled for this search"
"error": false,
"status": "SUCCESS"